find a doctrinally sound church

I often receive emails from people seeking help in finding a good, doctrinally sound church. The first place I check is The Master’s Seminary website. The Master’s Seminary (TMS) is, in my estimation, the best theological seminary in the United States. It is committed to instilling in its men a high view of God and His sovereignty, a high view of scripture, and a commitment to both expository preaching and a plurality of elders church polity. At TMS’s website you can search for a church near you that is pastored by a graduate of that institution.  This is not to guarantee that 100% of these churches are healthy, but the vast majority would be. 

Having a good, doctrinally sound church is of paramount importance to the life of a Christian. Even in you cannot find a good church near you, find the closest one and attend as often as you can. It is better to go to a good church once or twice a month than a bad one every week. Even if the church is far away, visit and tell the elders your situation. If they do not know of a good church closer to you (and often they will) I am sure they will be happy to work with you. Let me hasten to add that I am by no means saying that all good churches are pastored by a TMS graduate because that is certainly not the case. This is just the first website I check. 

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  • "The dangers of the Word of Faith Movement are as real as they are pervasive. The message from thousands of pulpits is that God wants you to be happy, healthy, and rich. But this is not biblical Christianity, as Justin Peters so adequately demonstrates in his exceptional presentation. With clarity and credibility, Peters exposes the Word of Faith Movement for what it really is—a farce. Local churches will benefit greatly from his personal experience and vast research on this important topic." – Dr. John MacArthur, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA
  • "The example of the discerning Bereans (Acts 17:11), who even wanted to confirm that the preaching of an apostle accorded with Scripture before receiving it, is a timely warning to Christians in the 21st Century. No one with even the most rudimentary knowledge of Scripture can fail to be appalled by the utter nonsense being propagated by the Word of Faith or Prosperity Gospel celebrities, whose shows dominate “Christian” television. Tragically numerous people are walking the road to perdition by trusting the false gospel of these charlatans, rather than being obedient to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I urge all Christians to attend one of Justin Peters’ “Clouds without Water” seminars which are being used of God to rescue many from error & apostasy. The Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust have been privileged to partner with Justin Peters during his ministry visits to the U.K & Europe." – D. Paul Mitchell, Director – MLJ Trust, Great Britain

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