Clouds without Water
Justin Peter’s seminar Clouds Without Water, is taken from a reference in the book of Jude 12 about false teachers.
Specifically, Clouds Without Water is a biblical critique of the Word-Faith/New Apostolic Reformation/Prosperity gospel. The prosperity gospel essentially holds that it is always God’s will for a Christian to be wealthy and always God’s will for a Christian to be physically healed. If we struggle financially or get sick, then prosperity and physical healing are guaranteed provided that we have enough faith or sow a seed (give money) to a preacher in order to reap a harvest.
Prosperity theology dominates what we see on “Christian” television such as TBN, Daystar, The Word Network and others. Word-Faith/NAR theology, however, is not just an emphasis on health and wealth. It is actually rooted in the metaphysical cults and has a very heretical view of God, Christ, the Atonement, and it deifies man. Clouds Without Water incorporates dozens of video clips of prominent prosperity preachers such as Benny Hinn, Joseph Prince, Creflo Dollar, Bill Johnson, Andrew Wommack, Joyce Meyer, Todd White and Joel Osteen, and so you will see for yourself what they actually teach. The error is then corrected point by point from scripture.
This movement, tragically, is the face of Christianity around the world and it is leading untold millions of people into a different gospel – and a different gospel does not save. It is Justin’s desire not only to expose the error but also to equip the saints to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15) with the aim of rescuing people out of this dangerous deception.
ATTENTION PARENTS: We love kids, of course we want them to attend. At the same time we want to respect Justin’s time and preparation as well as many others who have traveled to listen and learn. We encourage parents to do their best to ensure the children behave appropriately. If your child becomes a distraction we would ask that you take them in the hallway for a few minutes until they are ready to come back inside. We will provide a T.V. with a live feed in the hallway so you will not miss what is being said.
Children two and under are free, ages three to nine may register at a discounted rate of $10 which includes lunch. We are only charging to offset the cost of lunch and rental of the facility. We will also be taking a love offering for Justin Peter’s ministry and ask we that each family would do as scripture tells us in 2 Corinthians 9:7, give what you have purposed in your heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver!
We look forward to seeing you there!