Justin Peters Ministries is a worldwide expository preaching and teaching ministry. We focus on teaching the sufficiency of God's word and exposing the false teachings of the prosperity, health and wealth gospel. Justin preaches a gospel deeply rooted in the sufficiency of scripture.
Justin Peters is an evangelist committed not only to the inerrancy of God’s Word but also its sufficiency. The ministry exists to evangelize the lost and equip believers with the tools needed to deepen their understanding of scripture and their love for Christ. In all things Soli Deo Gloria (Romans 11:36).
“Justin Peters is a unique, providentially-prepared voice to expose the dangers of the Prosperity Gospel and the Word of Faith movement. He speaks as a redeemed man, grateful and relieved to be rescued from spiritual ruin, and eager to warn others to stop chasing waterless clouds, eating from fruitless trees, and following wandering stars. He preaches a salvation found in no one else but Christ alone.
Our church was greatly benefited by his biblically-faithful, well-researched, and soundly-reasoned teaching. What has left a lasting mark on all of us is Justin’s passion for God and His infinite glory. He possesses an unapologetic devotion to the Truth, a deep conviction about the purity of the gospel, and a sincere love and compassion for people. Above all, Justin’s obvious love for Jesus Christ is beautiful to behold among all who have tasted the Lord’s salvation, and wonderfully contagious. As a friend of the gospel, Justin is a dear friend of ours and a faithful co-laborer in Christ Jesus."
Travis Allen
– Pastor of Grace Church Greeley, CO
"Words cannot fully express the love and appreciation that I have for Justin Peters. He is a true friend and partner in the proclamation and defense of the gospel. Not only have I personally and spiritually benefited from my relationship with Justin, but our church has also been thoroughly blessed as well.
In addition to hosting Justin at a couple of our conferences, we have shown his “Clouds Without Water” video series at our church. In the video series Justin not only exposes the Word of Faith movement for what it is, but he gives a thorough and much needed exhortation on biblical discernment.
Our church is now a regular financial supporter and partner in his ministry. I would highly commend him to you.”
Pastor Dave Cunningham
Lead Pastor, GraceLife Church & Founder, Sports4Him
Annville, PA
“To this day, I've not met a more committed, bold evangelist than Justin Peters. I'm thankful for his resilience and commitment to the gospel and glory of Christ. His determination to preach the truth is only surpassed by his humility. Justin's ministry is a gift to the body of Christ in numerous ways, and I am thankful for his friendship.“
Costi Hinn
“I have known Justin Peters for years and have always appreciated his heart for the truth of God. He is diligent in his efforts to do what Paul told Timothy in 2nd Timothy 2:15 - “rightly divide the word of truth.“ In a day when far too many preachers are playing fast and loose with scripture, Justin is a breath of fresh air in the seriousness with which he handles the word of God. I commend him and his ministry to you as an example of “speaking the truth in love.“
Pastor Bryan Hughes
“I have had the blessing of knowing Justin for over a decade. I have seen his public life and his private life. I have had the privilege of collaborating with Justin on a number of ministry projects. I have seen him receive effusive praise as well as undeserved criticism. I have been Justin’s friend and pastor through some of the most difficult and trying times that anyone in public ministry could ever face. I can promise you that Justin is the same man in private as he is in public. His love for others, willingness to serve, and humility are not merely part of a well crafted public persona. They are the deep and abiding fruit of relationship with Christ.
Before Justin was a member at Kootenai Community Church, we had him come and present his Clouds Without Water seminar. He has preached in our church a number of times and will continue to do so in the future. Justin handles accurately the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15), exposes error with grace and humility, and relentlessly points people to Christ. I can heartily recommend Justin and his ministry to you! This servant of Christ will be a blessing to the church for years to come for glory of Christ alone.“
Jim Osman
"It is a great privilege for me to recommend Justin Peters and his ministry to individuals, congregations, and conference organizers. I have known Justin for many years and have learned a great deal from him about devotion to Christ, genuine Christian virtue, and standing for the faith in times of doctrinal confusion and decay.
All the benefits of Justin’s ministry are too numerous to mention, however, there are five that are of special significance and must be mentioned. First, Justin is devoted to Christ and seeks for others to know, love, and serve Him. Second, Justin’s primary message is the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is never content to simply expose false doctrine but seeks to exalt Christ and bring others to Him. Third, Justin is not a contentious man. Like Jude, he would rather speak about our common salvation than battle error (Jude 3). However, he will run without hesitation to the frontlines and defend biblical and historic Christianity when the need arises. Fourth, Justin’s concern for correct doctrine flows from his passion for God’s glory and his love for God’s people. Fifth, Justin loves those with whom he must sometimes contend and desires their salvation. These are just a few of the many reasons for which I recommend Justin’s ministry."